Thursday, November 25, 2010

nurse conquers pancreatic

For information on blood testing that can detect disease before you have symptoms see this video and then go to

All About Antiplatelets & Anticoagulants: Are They Safe?

Many people middle aged and older are on blood thinning medications and if you're reading this bog I'm sure you've wondered if such drugs really work, are they safe, and are there any natural alternatives. If you are on anticoagulants and wish to eventually get off them in a way that is safe I invite you to listen to Dr. Brouse's most recent telephone conference call which was recorded and will be available to you until Dec. 6th. Just dial (760) 569-7699 Access code: 530782#

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Natural Help For Acid Reflux (GERD) & Alternatives To Statin Drugs

Natural Alternatives To Statin Drugs was the topic of last week's teleconference which was recorded and will be available to hear until Nov. 9th. The conference call was about an hour and you can listen to the recording by dialing: (760) 569-7699 Access code: 530782#

On Mon. Nov. 8th there will be a live tele-clinic on the subject of GERD, or Acid Reflux and natural ways of dealing with it. Time: 8: 00 p.m. Eastern Time: Telephone call is .(760) 569-7676 Access Code: 530782# This call will be followed by a question and answer sesssion, so write your questions down, and bring a note pad and pen to this one!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Woman With Alzheimers Improves With An Extract Of Red Grapes

I just received an inspiring report from a friend of a friend whose mom has Alzheimers and is experiencing noticeable improvement after taking Vivix natural anti-cellular aging extract from red grapes. Vivix, as you remember, is a high potency resveratrol supplement with polyphenols that slow all four mechanisms of cellular aging. Here is the email that my friend sent  yesterday:

"This is Bill’s Mom’s story. It’s pretty good, if you know anyone who has a family member or friend with Alzheimers, they may find this story interesting. I also attached a copy. - Jane & Bill. "

Elsie’s Journey from Alzheimers

Our Mom had become bed-ridden, wore diapers and seldom recognized family or friends. We bathed, dressed, and fed her. She was diagnosed the beginning of the worst stage of Alzheimers.
Mom was prescribed Aricept and slept for those 7 months. Next they prescribed Exelon, another 3 months of sleeping. Were Alzheimer drugs just meant to keep patients sedated? Then came Namenda, Mom became violently ill, lay in bed in pain and lost 30 pounds in less than 30 days.

We decided to stop all prescription medications and get her on a Shaklee Supplement program to give her body the benefits of health. She took Vita Lea Gold, Memory Optimizer, Herb Lax, Energizing Soy Protein and Optiflora. Within a few weeks she started getting up on her own and showing improvements. Then Shaklee introduced a new product, Vivix.

Within a few weeks of adding Vivix Mom began recognizing family members, she remembers all her children again. She can brush her teeth, wash and dress herself, and no longer wear diapers. She does the dishes and sweeps the patio. When we shop she has conversations with other people. She plays with her great grandchildren, many songs & rhymes she didn’t remember before she now sings and recites to them. Her long term memory returned, though not perfect, and has selective short term memory. Today Mom is only stage 1-2 Alzheimers.

A few times when we forgot to give her the supplements or when the Vivix wasn’t available she became listless and confused. Not only is that stressful for Mom, but it makes it very difficult for us as her caregivers. We now see to it we have an ample supply and it always travels with us.

Thankfully, Judy, Sandy and Bill K   
If anyone wants more info. on Vivix please call 845 679 9738

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Anti-Cellular Aging Supplement "Vivix" Speeds Wound Healing

I have written several earlier blog posts on how a natural high potency resveratrol supplement "Vivix"works internally to block all four mechanisms of cellular aging, but I just received an email from someone whose husband experienced accelerated wound healing about a month after he started taking Vivix. Here is her interesting email with a description of what happened:

Dear Friends,

     Okay, Shaklee finally has a product that has my husband REALLY talking to people, too, now! He started on the Vivix about a month ago --- even though he is pretty healthy. He did get off bp meds through Cinch (lost 30 lbs right off his gut!) -- but this time he is amazed. Sunday (just TWO days ago) he was working on an extension he is building on our house & he stepped off the ladder into a screw (about 3" long) and it went through his boot and right into his foot -- about half the screw length was in his foot. He cleaned it (best he could for a puncture wound) & bandaged it up - same yesterday.

This evening he went to take care of it and had noticed it wasn't even sore to walk on. When he took off the bandage - there is NO visible sign that he even hurt himself!!! (The screw was a thick one -not a skinny thing) I am a bit clumsy sometimes & had noticed that my "bumps" didn't even hurt the next day or two -- but this is simply amazing! Is anyone else experiencing faster wound-healing? I keep thinking - that if these 'outward' or visible results are so amazing -- I can only begin to imagine what is going on INside our bodies!!! (Even for those who haven't seen any 'outward' results yet -- it HAS to be doing amazing things inside of us!!).

Knowing Shaklee, they haven't just hung their hats on this success-nail --- I am sure they are busy researching and developing more amazing surprises to give us in the future!

Shari in SC

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Help For Tinnitus or Ringing Of The Ears

The recorded playback for the recent tele-clinic on tinnitus or ringing of the ears is 712 432 1085 Access code 403964#

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Soy O.K. For Women With Breast Cancer?

Is soy o.k. for women with breast cancer? This has been a controversial question for some years now leading many doctors to tell their patients with breast cancer to stay away from it. Here is a more positive update from Dr. Steve Chaney on the research of soy as it relates to breast cancer:

Hi Susan,
      You've probably heard the warnings: "Soy may increase  the risk of breast cancer!" "Women with breast cancer shouldn't use soy!" The first warning was never true. Numerous clinical studies have shown that consumption of soy protein is  associated with a lower risk of developing breast  cancer. Furthermore, the science behind the second warning has never been very strong. The concerns that soy might stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells was based primarily on cell culture experiments and one  experiment in mice  even though a second experiment in mice came to the exact opposite conclusion.

However, the possibility that soy isoflavones could stimulate the growth of estrogen - responsive breast cancer was biochemically plausible because soy  isoflavones bind to the estrogen receptor and have a very weak stimulatory effect (much weaker than estrogen  itself). Even that evidence was not definitive because soy  isoflavones also turn on several tumor  suppressor pathways in breast cells and help strengthen  the immune system - so they could just as easily inhibit the growth of beast cancer cells.
However, because the concerns were plausible and had not been definitively disproved, most experts,
including me, have recommended that women with estrogen - responsive breast cancer might want to avoid soy protein. Well a definitive study has finally been performed and it turns out for women with breast cancer, consumption  of soy foods actually decreases their risk of breast cancer recurrence and dying from breast cancer.

The study was reported in the December 2009 issue of  the Journal of the American Medical Association by researchers at Vanderbilt University and Shanghai  Institute of Preventive Medicine. It was a large, well designed, study that enrolled 5042 Chinese women aged 20 to 75 years old who had been  diagnosed with breast cancer and followed them for an average period of 3.9 years. The women were divided into four groups based on the  soy content of their diet (ranging from 5 grams/day to  15 grams/day).
The results were clear cut. Breast cancer survivors with the highest soy intake had 25% less chance of breast cancer recurrence and 25% less chance of dying  from breast cancer than the women with the lowest soy intake. The effect was equally strong for women with estrogen receptor-positive and estrogen receptor negative cancers, for early stage and late stage breast cancer and for pre- and post-menopausal women.

In short this was a very robust study. The study also showed that soy protein intake did not  interfere with tamoxifen. The reduction in the risk of breast cancer recurrence & death was just as great  whether the breast cancer survivors were taking tamoxifen or not. In fact, tamoxifen was protective only for women with
low soy intake. It conferred no extra protection for  the women at the highest level of soy intake. What does this mean for you if you are a breast cancer  survivor?

I personally feel that this study is clear cut enough that breast cancer survivors no longer need to fear soy
protein as part of a healthy diet. However. it is important to recognize that this is a  single study. It is a very good study, but it is just one study. As a scientist and a cancer researcher I would like to  see this study confirmed by other studies before recommending that all women who have had breast cancer  should add soy protein to their diets. It may turn out  that some women will benefit much more from using soy  protein than others.

Similarly, this study suggests that soy protein does not interfere with tamoxifen. But the use of tamoxifen after breast cancer remission  is a medical treatment - and all medical treatments  should be discussed with your doctor. Finally, I would like to point out that a number of  previous studies have suggested that isolated
isoflavones may not have the same benefits as soy  protein foods containing the isoflavones - so I don't
recommend skipping the soy protein and opting for an isoflavone supplement instead.>

 To Your Health!

 Dr. Stephen G Chaney

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not
 intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Get Rid Of That Stubborn Belly Fat & Turn Back Your Biological Clock

How to get rid of that stubborn belly fat and turn back our biological clock will be the subject of this Monday's tele-clinic with Dr. Richard Brouse. It was originally scheduled for last month, but due to inclement weather on the East Coast, Dr. Brouse's flight was cancelled and he couldn't get home in time., so it has been rescheduled for:

This Monday night Apr.5th 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, 5:00 p.m. Pacific. To join the conference call just dial 712 432 0075 Access code 403964# The conference call will end with a question and answer period.
This tele-clinic will be recorded and available to hear for 2 weeks. The call playback no. is 712 432 1085 with same access code as above.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Are There Natural Treatments For Varicose Veins?

What are varicose veins and what causes them? If you have them are there natural treatments that work and can varicose veins be prevented? This will be the subject of discussion for tomorrow's live tele-clinic with Dr. Richard Brouse. I f you would like to join us the tele-clinic begins tomorrow, Mon. Mar. 29, at 8:00 pm ET  5:00 p.m Pacific time. Here is the dial in no -( 712 )432 0075  Access code 403964#

These tele-clinics are very informative and done as an educational program for the larger Shaklee family. Since I am a Shaklee member you have the unusual opportunity to listen in as my guest, so grab the opportunity while you can.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Study Suggests Vitamin C Could Be A Safe Alternative To Statins

Many of you have heard and probably been confused by recent studies on vitamins C & E which concluded that they do not have the health benefits we once thought. Well, the results are going to depend on how the study is designed and what questions are asked. I want to share with you this excellent letter by Dr. Steve Chaney who puts this whole subject back in perspective. Let us not be fooled by negative reports resulting from poorly designed studies. The antioxidants vitamins C & E are vital to our health: Have a read below:

Hi Susan,

Finally! There have been so many negative reports about supplementation recently because the investigators
asked the wrong questions. Someone finally asked the right question. Dr. Gladys Block and colleagues at UC Berkeley recently published (Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 46:70-77, 2009) a study on the effects of vitamin C supplementation on blood levels of something called C-reactive protein (CRP).

In case you didn't know CRP is a marker of inflammation and a number of studies have suggested that an elevated (> 1 mg/L) level of CRP in the blood is an independent risk factor for heart disease. In fact, after a recent study called the JUPITER trial some cardiologists are recommending that people with elevated CRP be given a statin drug even if their cholesterol levels are normal. This is why the study by Dr. Block and her colleagues is so significant. They gave healthy, non-smoking adults (both men and women) with an average age of 44 either 1000 mg of vitamin C or placebo each day for two months and asked whether the vitamin C supplementation caused a significant reduction in CRP levels. If they had just asked whether vitamin C reduced CRP levels in the total population group (the wrongquestion) you would have been reading about another negative study that showed supplementation didn't work.

But they were smart enough to ask the right question.They divided their study group into those who had
elevated CRP levels and those whose CRP levels were normal. For those people whose CRP levels were normal (and were, therefore, at low risk of heart disease according to their CRP levels), vitamin C had no effect on their CRP levels.

As Dr. Block observed those results were not particularly surprising. She said "Common sense
suggests, and our study confirms, that biomarkers are only likely to be reduced if they are not already low."
However, in the group with CRP levels > 1 mg/L, vitamin C supplementation decreased CRP levels by 25% (34% if their CRP levels were > 2 mg/L).In fact, for individuals with elevated CRP levels, vitamin C supplementation was just as effective at lowering CRP levels as statin drug treatment!

Dr. Block concluded by saying: "It has recently been suggested by some researchers that people with elevated CRP should be put on statins as a preventive measure.For people who have elevated CRP but do not have elevated LDL cholesterol, our data suggest that vitamin C should be investigated as an alternative to statins,or as something to be used to delay the time when statin use becomes necessary."In short, because she and her colleagues asked the right question we now know that vitamin C supplementation does make sense for people with elevated CRP levels rather than mistakenly assuming that vitamin C supplementation is worthless.

I do want to make the distinction here that elevated CRP is only one risk factor for heart disease and this
study alone does not prove that vitamin C reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.However, this study is fully consistent with the Women's Health Study (Lee et al., JAMA, 294:56-65, 2005).

You may remember that vitamin E supplementation did not decrease the risk of cardiovascular death, heart attack and stroke in the total population group studied and the headlines said "Vitamin E is ineffective at
reducing heart attacks and stroke in women".Yet when they looked at women who were over 65 (the
ones actually at high risk for heart disease), vitamin E supplementation reduced cardiovascular deaths by 24%, heart attacks by 26% and strokes by 21%.

Dr. Block and her colleagues concluded that "[future] research on clinical benefits of antioxidants should
limit participants to persons with elevations in the target biomarkers [risk factors]"

Now that is the right question!

To Your Health!

Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Help For Chronicc Sinus Infections

Join us tomorrow night, Mon.Feb.15th for a tele-clinic on chronic sinus infections and how to help yourself naturally. Time: 8:00 p.m ET Dial in no. is 712 432 0075  Access code 403964#  The live tele-clinic will be followed by a question & answer session. For anyone who misses the call it will be archived for two weeks. The playback no. will be 712 432 1085 Same access code as above.