Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Rebbutal To The Recent Negative Study On Nutritional Supplements

Are any of you dismayed and confused by the recent news reports on a new study which supposedly showed an increase in mortality among older women who took dietary supplements?  One has to question what kind of supplements were used since many do contain artificial colors, additives, lead, and other toxic residues as does our food. At the same time, there are countless good studies documenting the positive benefits of whole food supplements so I am posting one nutrition company's response to this study which will hopefully put some things back into perspective. The letter which was e mailed to me reads as follows:

Oct. 12, 2011

Dear Shaklee Consumer:

You may have heard about a study, Dietary Supplements and Mortality Rate in Older Women,
published in the October 10 issue of the journal, Archives of Internal Medicine.
We believe the study results and conclusions are presented in a biased and unduly negative manner,when in fact, the results are inconclusive at best. It’s also very clear that this study should not be used to draw conclusions regarding the effects of supplementation on human health.
Some possible limitations of the study include:

1. The study is an observational study that only describes associations and does not prove
cause and effect. It should be considered with all the research on dietary supplementation,
including the Shaklee Landmark Study which showed that long-term Shaklee supplement
users had markedly better health than both single supplement users and nonusers.

2. The study results actually show that calcium supplementation reduces risk for total
mortality, but this positive finding is buried among the negative headlines. This seems
indicative of the bias present in reporting the study results.

3. In the original study analysis, users of B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E, and calcium had
significantly lower risk of total mortality compared to nonusers. Only after adjustment of
the data were some of these nutrients associated with a very slight increased risk for total

4. Supplemental iron is identified as increasing the risk of total mortality in this elderly
female population. Shaklee recognizes that supplemental iron is not required by seniors
without specific iron needs, and this is precisely the reason our Vitalizer Gold product for
adults age 50+ has never contained iron.

5. Supplemental copper was linked to a slightly increased risk of total mortality. Shaklee
recognizes that copper intakes are generally adequate and this is reflected in the reduced
levels of copper found in our 4 new Vitalizer formulas.

6. The dietary supplement collection tools were not validated for this population and the
investigators presented no data to support their conclusions regarding dosage levels. We
find it difficult to make conclusions regarding the effects of supplementation when intake
levels are not reported.

7. There are no explanations or reasons given for supplement usage, nor was there any
screening for individuals at higher risk of disease. In many cases we see increasing use of
supplements for therapeutic reasons, especially with increasing age.

In closing, we believe that this study needs to be considered with the totality of the evidence
supporting supplementation. The overwhelming body of research on supplementation supports the
prudent use of dietary supplements as a part of a healthy lifestyle, to fill nutritional gaps in the diet, to support a high quality of life, and to support a longer, healthier life. At Shaklee, we believe that a preventive approach to health begins much earlier in life than in the 60's and we commit to
staying at the leading edge of science and health, and our products and health recommendations
will always reflect these principles.

Shaklee Health Sciences

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Are You Looking For Relief From Painful Joints? See if you qualify to be included in our joint health study!

We are conducting a 5-day study of a new natural joint health product to determine if it really reduces joint pain within five days as the company asserts.

If you have pain from arthritis, joint injury, or just years of wear and tear and would like to be selected for our free 5-day study of a the new "Advanced Joint Health" product, call or email us immediately with your numerical degree of difficulty/pain (1: none, 2: mild, 3: moderate, 4: severe, 5: extreme) for the following:

  1. descending (going down) stairs
  2. ascending (going up) stairs
  3. rising from sitting
  4. standing
  5. bending to the floor
  6. getting out of bed in the morning
  7. getting in and out of a car
  8. going shopping
  9. putting on socks/stockings.

If selected, you are agreeing to take 2 caplets daily with a meal for 5 consecutive days, answer a short follow-up questionnaire, and allow us to use your story of your experience in this study.

The reason for this study is to find out if the experiences of Bob & Pam  were unique or typical.
Susan Epstein 845 679 9738

Life Changing Short Stories

I have been a dancer since I was 8 and a competitive gymnast for 8 years.  Loved it but injuries happen and while they may not seem crucial at the time, (when we are young we are invincible) they can come back to haunt you!  I still teach dance and am very active.  2 years ago at 51 my knees became excruciatingly painful.  Stairs became hell and putting on a smile at my job became more difficult.  An MRI confirmed "degeneration" in both of my knees. I had been taking the "Joint Health Complex" faithfully and cannot imagine what I would have felt like without it.When the company chose Bob and I to test the new Joint product they did not have to ask us twice! My hips had been aching as well and getting out of bed was an exercise in itself.  After 2 (!) days on the product I just got out of bed without evaluation and careful positioning!  After 5 days I had no twinges in my hips or knees and wanted more of this stuff!  I cannot wait for the big unveiling in D.C. and an endless supply of our new Joint Health Complex. I am thankful that we were chosen to try it out. I am SO proud of our company and can't wait till ALL of you get the JHC in your hands.  The world will certainly be a more well-oiled and pain free place!  Pam

After many years of playing semi pro tennis I had developed quite a few aches and pains and had also had cartilage damage in my knees. My hips and back also took a beating and my left wrist and fingers also tend to be problem areas. I have been a musician since I was 9 yrs. old.
I'm now 55 and started noticing stiffness in my fingers about a year ago. Since I play bass guitar, guitar & keyboards the stiffness can be very discomforting while performing. For many years your nutritional products have really helped. The old joint health complex was a God send, but time and injuries had made there mark and arthritis started creeping back in. A couple of months ago my wife Pam and I got on a study for a new joint health product. This was only a five day study so your company must have been confident that they had developed something special.
They were right, within 2 days of trying the product my fingers started loosening up and the stiffness was going away. By day three I was getting out of bed easier and my knees were feeling good. At one point during the study I actually ran up the cellar stairs which I had not been able to do in a long time! The new joint health complex is a great! -
  Bob A

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Very Interesting Lecture On Natural Antibiotics & Preventing Infections

I just listened to Dr. Brouse's last lecture on preventing infections and how to use natural antibiotics. Did you know that washing with antibacterial soaps can actually cause the bacteria to muliply on your skin? Have a listen to the playback of this very interesting lecture which is still available, but only for one more week. Call 760 569 7699 access code 530782.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Are Tumor Markers And What Do They Detect?

Anyone who is interested in cancer prevention may want to hear a replay of the recent Tele-clinic on "Tumor Markers." Tumor markers are chemical substances that can be measured in the blood, saliva, and other body fluids that may be indicitive of cancer.

The lecture is one hour in length and available to hear anytime of day or night for the next 12 days. Just dial  760 569 7699 Access code 530782#.

Friday, February 4, 2011


If you have been looking for a way to lose inches, but retain your lean muscle mass you can take advantage of an amazing deal which is available only through the end of March: Shaklee Corp. is offering a  FREE CINCH WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Sampler Pack. This sampler pack includes::

•1 canister of Cinch Vanilla Shake Mix

•1 box of Cinch Peanut Butter Crunch Snack Bars

•1 box of Cinch Pomegranate Energy Tea Mix

•Program Guide

•Pedometer (while supplies last)†

Also included are three months of an introductory membership to, a website offering meal plans, recipes, exercises, community message boards and tools to help you succeed in your personal weight loss goals (Charges will apply in fourth and subsequent months if you wish to continue. Shipping costs may apply.).

The Cinch sampler pack is offered FREE through the end of March to anyone who joins Shaklee as a new  member or distributor with a product purchase of $70.00 at the discounted member pricing. If you're interested in earning income you can also get the Free sampler pack by joing as a businss builder and puchasing a Gold Ambassador mission pack.

All products come with a 100% money back guarantee, so there's nothing to lose except unwanted inches and fat.

To get the free Cinch sampler pack go to

CINCH inch loss plan is safe and has been clinically proven to promote loss of fat and pounds while retaining lean muscle mass.For questions please email me at or call 845 679 9738.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

HOW TO UNLEARN YOUR PAIN - A guest post by Dr. Howard Schubiner, MD

What is the cause of chronic pain that fails to respond to any physical treatment or intervention? That is the specialty of Dr. Howard Schubiner, MD, who shows how powerfully the mind and emotions can affect the physical body in his book, Unlearn Your Pain.

Dr. Howard Schubiner, MD
Director, Mind Body Medicine Center, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI
Clinical Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI
Office: 248-849-4728
Holly’s story:
“The spring of my sophomore year in high school, things were going well. I was a straight-A student, had a job, and had just gotten two new puppies. However, everything changed in May that year. Over the course of one week I was struck with severe lower leg pain, which spread to pain in both arms. I could barely walk and was hospitalized for tests, including an MRI and a spinal tap. The tests were normal and I was started on pain medication and sent home. Then I developed other symptoms: Rapid heartbeat, dizziness, hot and cold flashes, cold feet, tingling in my hands, headaches, difficulty concentrating and severe fatigue. My neurologist did not know what was wrong with me! We drove 12 hours for me to be seen at the Mayo Clinic. After five days and many more tests, the doctors were completely unable to make a diagnosis.

I saw a number of other doctors over the next 2 years and tried many other treatments including different medications, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, antibiotics, a special diet and some alternative therapies. A diagnosis of fibromyalgia was finally made, but even the specialist at a major university medical center offered little encouragement, only telling me to take my medication and try to be as active as possible. I felt like my life was lost.

During my last two years of high school, I was rarely able to attend classes. Most of the time it was too painful to drive, to sit in class, to go up and down stairs, and to take notes. I did my work primarily from home, but it had to be limited because I had so much pain in my arms when I tried to write, and because I was always so tired. I tried to attend college classes for the past two years, but my constant pain and fatigue limited me severely.

One day, my mom told me about this idea that chronic pain could be caused by underlying emotions. I thought that it might apply to other people, but not to me --- my pain was REAL and not "in my head." However, since I was so desperate, I was willing to try anything!

When I met Dr. Schubiner, he reviewed my whole medical history and helped me understand that the real pain that I was feeling was actually caused by stress that had occurred in my family and emotions that I had been holding in. We had been dealing with a number of health and other stressful issues in our family for many years. I didn't want to make things harder for my family, so I tried to be a "good girl" and never complained, got angry or showed that I was sad or upset. I kept everything inside.

I started working on Dr. Schubiner’s program in his book, Unlearn Your Pain. I did the therapeutic writing, meditations, and self-talk that he suggests. After a few weeks, my back no longer hurt! My energy level started to increase, and my arm and leg pains became much milder and then went away. I could now clearly see that real pain can be caused by stress and emotions.

My life has completely changed. In the past four months since I started the program, I have joined a university service group. Each week I work a number of hours at a community event, something I never could have done before without terrible pain during or afterwards. It is a lot of fun and I am finally making new friends. I also have a serious boyfriend now, and it is so great to spend time with him, his friends and his family like a "normal" person.

Sometimes I still get pain in my arm or leg, or a bad headache, but I know it's because there is something that is bothering me. So, I do some writing, address the issue and I feel better. After nearly four years of constant pain and fatigue, I finally have my life back thanks to Dr. Schubiner.”

Although Holly’s story seems unusual, these are the stories I hear every day. Chronic pain is now reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S. Approximately 50 million people suffer from chronic back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, TMJ pain, tension and migraine headaches, and abdominal and pelvic pain syndromes. The traditional medical approach is to look for a cause of pain in the area where the pain is being felt and this approach makes so much sense that everyone agrees: If there is pain in arm, there must be something wrong with the arm!

However, research over the past decade has shown that real pain can occur in a part of the body that is not diseased. Phantom limb syndrome is real pain occurring in an arm or leg that has been amputated. Fibromyalgia pain occurs in muscles and tendons that are structurally normal. The majority of back and neck pain occurs without clear evidence of a structural disease process. The same is true of all of the chronic pain disorders listed above.

So, what is causing the pain? The answer is learned nerve pathways. Nerve connections between the brain and the body can cause real and often severe pain and these connections can be triggered by an injury or by significant stress. Everyone actually already knows about learned nerve pathways. These are responsible for much of what we do everyday, such as how we walk, talk, sign our name, throw a ball, or ride a bicycle. The lower parts of subconscious parts of the brain learn these pathways throughout our lives and we use them all the time without even being aware that they are being used.

Most people with chronic pain have pain pathways that are developed and continue to cause pain. This explains why so many medical interventions are not able to reduce or eliminate the pain: the doctors are looking in the wrong place.

The reason that pain pathways develop is that stress and emotions activate the parts of the brain, notably the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala that augment pain. Many studies demonstrate this. Most injuries heal within a few weeks but pain that continues after the injury should have healed is almost always due to learned pain pathways, which have been triggered by stress and emotional reactions.

Fortunately, once the real underlying cause of the pain is determined, most people can reduce or eliminate their pain, even if it’s been present for many years. I have developed a program to help people who are suffering from chronic pain and have published this program in a book, Unlearn Your Pain. People who had suffered with chronic pain for an average of 9 years participated in this 4-week program had amazing results in a recently published research study. At a 6-month follow up evaluation, 67% had at least a 30% reduction in pain and 53% had at least a 50% reduction in pain. The program is relatively simple. It guides participants through a series of writing and meditative exercises that help to retrain their brain and nervous system to stop the pain. It also helps them to work on the stressful aspects of their lives to prevent pain from recurring.

Unlearn Your Pain is available from or from


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Do You Know Which Alternative Cancer Therapies Really Work?

I don't think I know anyone whose life has not been touched by cancer either personally or through a friend or loved one. Despite the fact that conventional cancer treatments  - chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are not effective in the long run and usually cause even more pain and suffering they continue to be the only options offered to a patient.

Years ago I embarked on a search to see if I could find health care practitioners who were actually getting results using natural approaches that did not involve poisoning or harming  the healthy cells. What I found was "The Foundation For The Advancement of Cancer Therapies" founded by a wonderful woman, Ruth Sackman, who dedicated her life to helping people with cancer find a natural whole body restoration approach that could lead to a recovery and long- term survival. Many of the people who came to her were those diagnosed as terminal by their oncologists - beyond help. Yet they got well and lived a great many years. Would you like to know what they did it? Here is a link to a wealth of information on a different philosophy of cancer and treatment plans that do work:

For more information go to: