Sunday, January 6, 2013

Famous Corporation Tackles Obesity In America & Pays People For Losing Weight

It's the new year, 2013 and seems like losing weight is on many people's list of resolutions especially with the nation's obesity problem making headlines. I saw at least two TV commercials this morning advertising weight loss programs, but one company has just launched a project to tackle obesity in America with a slightly different approach. "The 180 Turnaround" program encourages friends to team up, lose weight together, and the company rewards them with prizes, trips, and even a way to earn income as a coach/specialist. It's a two part plan - three months to lose weight and three months learning how to keep it off with a nutrition program clinically proven to help people retain their lean muscle mass while losing weight. If you are sick of yo-yo dieting, want to lose weight and perhaps make some extra $$$$ here is a way to do it all: