Thursday, November 25, 2010

nurse conquers pancreatic

For information on blood testing that can detect disease before you have symptoms see this video and then go to

All About Antiplatelets & Anticoagulants: Are They Safe?

Many people middle aged and older are on blood thinning medications and if you're reading this bog I'm sure you've wondered if such drugs really work, are they safe, and are there any natural alternatives. If you are on anticoagulants and wish to eventually get off them in a way that is safe I invite you to listen to Dr. Brouse's most recent telephone conference call which was recorded and will be available to you until Dec. 6th. Just dial (760) 569-7699 Access code: 530782#

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Natural Help For Acid Reflux (GERD) & Alternatives To Statin Drugs

Natural Alternatives To Statin Drugs was the topic of last week's teleconference which was recorded and will be available to hear until Nov. 9th. The conference call was about an hour and you can listen to the recording by dialing: (760) 569-7699 Access code: 530782#

On Mon. Nov. 8th there will be a live tele-clinic on the subject of GERD, or Acid Reflux and natural ways of dealing with it. Time: 8: 00 p.m. Eastern Time: Telephone call is .(760) 569-7676 Access Code: 530782# This call will be followed by a question and answer sesssion, so write your questions down, and bring a note pad and pen to this one!