Sunday, March 4, 2012

Vivix Helping To Reduce Alzheimer's Symptoms

from my friend Debbie Garrison

I heard the daughter of an Alzheimer's Mom give this testimony at a
Shaklee Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia in 2009.     
                                                                            Debbie Garrison 

In the Fall of 2009 I attended some Shaklee Business training in
Atlanta, Ga.

On the second day,  the leader of the training asked for
testimonies from the group about VIVIX.

The 60's something woman at a nearby table immediately raised her
hand to share what she and her sister had witnessed after they
started giving VIVIX to their Mom who had been diagnosed with
Alzheimer's 5 years ago.

Before VIVIX,  they had tried many medications,  but the drugs
actually made their Mom worse.  They were taking care of her at
home,  hated the results of the drugs,  and discontinued those

Before VIVIX their Mom had not dressed herself in 2 years,  had to
be fed all her meals,  and recognized very few family members.  She
had very little interest in anyone or anything and rarely spoke
One day during the second month of taking VIVIX,  their Mom began
to talk some every day....and one of the first things she said was,
"I want to go to the kitchen and fix myself a peanut butter
sandwich."  This from a lady who had not fixed herself a meal in

After three months on VIVIX the daughters believed that their Mom was
recognizing most of her guests.

So they got out the family album and asked her to point to the
members of the family that they named for her.  She identified most
all of the family members!

After three months on VIVIX their Mom was feeding herself, dressing
herself and enjoying her company.  She is moving around more and
obviously feels much better.

These daughters decided that they needed to become Shaklee
Distributors because of the miraculous reversal of Alzheimers symptoms 
that they witnessed after they started her on VIVIX.
Resveratrol is the primary ingredient of VIVIX.  Dr. David Sinclair's research proved that this
substance repairs & protects DNA at the  cuellular level.  That is the only possible explanation for this wonderful 
health testimony.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Developing A Life Plan For Detoxification & Health

Mark your calandars! Starting  Jan. 18th from 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. EST. Dr. George Wootan MD
will be offering a 12 week webinar series on how to detox your body and create optimal health. Dr. George has been leading DETOX programs for over 27 years with great results!
He has been a medical doctor for 50 years and a Natural Solutions doctor for
37 years. Dr. George specializes in nutrition and  Functional Medicine which looks at and treats causes rather than just symptoms.This webinar is for you if…..

    You are breathing
·        You  are serious about your health and want to know what to eat and why
·        You want to understand what supplements and food are best for detoxing
·        You are on medication or take over the counter meds to survive
·        You want to lose weight and feel great all the time, and not YO YO diet   

       Yours In Good Health, Susan


                       Schedule & Topics of Webinars:

Jan 18 What does detox mean and how do you really do it?
Starting the detox diet and why. Keeping a food
journal. Understanding body language.
Jan 25 The seven pillars of good health (the role they play in
detoxification and good health) Q&A
Feb 1 Good health and a busy life. How to travel, be very busy
and still eat well. Discuss additions to the diet.
Feb 15 The next phase of the diet – testing foods – which ones,
how to handle reactions.
Feb 29 How to include children and teenagers. How to have a
healthy G.I. tract. Questions about the diet.
Mar 14 Seniors, special considerations, hydration. What can you
do about natural aging – games, Frieze study.
Mar 28 Where you should be with the diet now. STRESS

Step by Step on How to Register:   Space Limited
$100.00 for 12 Weeks – All Sessions will be recorded 

1...First go to

2...There will be a tab that says send money.  Click on that.

3.   It will bring down a menu from which you can select "send money online"

4   Clicking on that will take you to a page where you enter that you are sending with in the USA             

5.  If sending from a PayPal account, bank account, or credit card there is no charge.

6.  Just follow the instructions and it should be deposited in my PayPal account.

7.  My e-mail addresses is
       a.  Send me a note that you have deposited the money so I will be looking for it.
       b.  I will send you a confirmation when it clears.

8.  You will then receive a password and address for entering the webinar on 18 January.

                                           Thank you,

Dr. George