Sunday, September 20, 2009

Harnesing The Anti-Aging Properties Of Red Grapes

How would you like to feel and look 25 years younger, live longer and avoid age related diseases such as cancer, alzheimers, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes? Millions of dollars and years of research have been spent on the quest to slow the aging process and help us live longer healthier lives.While we cannot stop chronological aging due to the passage of time anti-aging researchers believe that we may indeed be able to slow down the biological aging of cells. So what is the difference between chronological and biological aging?

All of us have met people who look much younger than their chonological age and others who look older than they really are. This is because aging takes place at the cellular level and science has revealed four mechanisms that cause our cells to age:
  • DNA damage
Every day our cells are bombarded with assualts - up to a million hits a day which can damage the DNA and cause a genetic typo leading cellular dysfunction and death.
  • Genetic Regulators
Genetic regulators contribute to age-related cellular deterioration by controlling the dynamic balance between damage and repair, including whether a cell will live or not.
  • Declining Cellular Energy Production

The mitochondria in our cells create energy we can’t live without.  If mitochondrial efficiency decreases, cell function declines leading to organ disfunction and poor health.
  • Accumulation of AGE Proteins

Excess accumulation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGE) - proteins that clump together and form a kind of sludge can cause cellular damage, compromising cell integrity and longevity.

Anti-aging researchers such as Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard have found that we have longevity genes which can be switched on or off. A severly restricted caloric diet will turn them on and extend life, but that's not very practical nor does it make life enjoyable. Further research lead to the discovery of certain polyphenols (plant chemicals) in fruits that can block the pathways of cellular aging mentioned above. One of them, resveratrol, has been in the news a lot recently and its effectiveness is backed by more than 2000 scientific research papers including multiple studies by Harvard University, The National Institute on Aging, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institue of Environmental Health Sciences.
How much resveratrol do we need? According to Dr.Sinclair we would need to ingest about 1000 bottles of red wine a day to reap the full health benefits - clearly not practical or possible. Making a high potency resveratrol product was challenging, becuase most resveratrol is contaminated with emodin, a substance with laxative properties: Who wants to live 25 years longer if you need to be near a bathroom all the time!?

One company did succeed in developing a natural resveratrol formula, filtering out the emodin, but this company went yet a step further. Using Dr. Sinclair's research and in collaboration with the University of Georgia they combined resveratrol with an extract of a special super grape, vitis rotundifolia, which is genetically different from other grapes in that it has an extra chromozome. This super grape is found only in the Southeastern states of the US and it is this extra chromozome which scientists believe give it an enhanced polyphenol profile. When this super grape is combined with resveratrol as a cool processed liquid extract it slows all four mechanisms of cellular aging. Laboratory tests have shown that these combined ingredients are 10 times more effective than resveratrol alone in blocking all four machanisms of cellular aging.
This natural resveratrol supplement has been found in laboratory studies to protect and repair DNA, positively influence genetic regulators, promote mitochondrial biogenesis (the enegry production center of the cell) and slow AGE protein formation. It has been found to support heart health, enhanced immunity, joint health, brain and cardiovascular function.

Dr. Sinclair was originally working on an anti-aging resveratrol drug which will  not be available for another five years, but this natural liquid extract from red grapes was put on the market one year ago and people are already experiencing awesome results.


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