Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pain Relief: One Of The Many Alfalfa Benefits

My friend Janice recently told a group of us a story about how alfalfa benefits people with arthritic pain. She carries a bottle around in her purse in case she meets someone who is moving stiffly or complains of joint pain. Janice will have the person touch and show her the painful spot. She then gives them 10 alfalfa leaf tablets to take all at once. Usually in about 20 or 30 minutes the pain will be gone or much improved for several hours.

I decided to investigate alfalfa benefits and conduct my own little survey to see if  Icould get the same result: It sounded too incredible to me. My first person was an older woman who had a knee that bothered her, but at first she just would not take that many alfalfa tablets. Fnally when she was really hurting I insisted on giving the alfalfa a try. She reported to me later that she felt really good afterwards.

The next subject was my sister Marina who has had chronic back problems for years. When she stayed with me last week on route to NYC I had her take 10 alfalfa leaf tablets around dinner time. 30 minutes later she said she didn't feel any different. The next morning, however Marina said that she slept much better. Once back home in Vermont she tried it again and reported a pain free night.

In researching I found a long list of alfalfa benefits for people and animals. Historically is has been used to relieve:
  • Arthritic and joint pain,bursitis or rheumatism
  • Allergies & sinus problems
  • Kidney & bladder problems
  • Ulcers
  • Fungal infections
  • Digestive problems
  • Excessive fluid retention
  • High cholesterol
  • Difficult or painful urination
  • Acne or other skin ailments
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • Blood that clots to quickly
Alfalfa has been called the "Father of All Foods" because it is a storehouse of nutrients. With its awesome long roots that burrow twenty five feet into the soil it is able to reach beyond the nutrient depleted top soil into the mineral and trace mineral rich soil below. Alfalfa is one of the most nutrient dense plants containing a broad range of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, protein, chlorophyll and enzymes. It is nature's richest source of chlorophyll, a potent body cleanser and detoxifier. The digestive enzymes present in alfalfa probably explain its historical use as a digestive aid. Certain compounds in the plant  appeare to decrease intestinal absorption of cholesterol and reduce atherosclerotic plaque. Studies on alfalfa benefits have shown that it  helps neutralize carcinogens in the colon and speeds their elimination from the body. Laboratory studies have proven that alfalfa helps fight disease-causing fungi.

For medicinal purposes the alfalfa leaf is the most usful and potent. Many alfalfa supplements include the stems, but I am using one that is only made from the leaf, because friends of mine with many years of experince have told me that this is the kind that has given them the most dramatic results. They have tried others, but come back to the one that is made from the pure alfalfa leaf only. So far I am very pleased with the results I am seeing.


1 comment:

  1. I found this after taking my alfalfa supplement and finding my arthritic shoulder was not hurting quite as much. I have not taken anything else, nor changed my routine, so I am guess it is alfalfa. What surprises me is how fast it works.
