Sandwiched between Thanksgiving & Christmas in a difficult economy "Self-Care Strategies for Healthy Living in a Hectic World" couldn't be a more timely topic for discussion and it will be the subject of this week's tele-clinic by Dr. Richard Brouse.
Time: Monday November 30th at 5 pm, Pacific Time 8:00 p.m Eastern Time
Dr. Brouse is a chiropractor, biochemist, nutritionist, lecturer, and author with a naturopathic & wholistic approach to healing. He is the dirctor of Sunnyside Health Center in Portland, Oregon and is extremely generous with his information. The conference call or tele-clinic as they refer to it will be an hour in length and includes time for personal questions at the end.
If you've never heard Dr. Brouse before you are in for something special and very helpful, so tune in Monday night.
Do you experience depression in the winter and then feel better in the Spring? If so and you've seen that it's a pattern you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder - a type of depression that affects some ten million + Americans during the winter months when there is less sunlight. Most commonly it begins in the fall as the days become shorter and persists through the winter until Spring when the symptoms usually clear up. Symptoms can be moderate to serious and include lack of energy, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, craving for carbohydrates ...there's a whole list.
Find out about SAD, the causes, symptoms, and what you can do about it in Monday's free tele-conference by Dr. Brouse 11/16/09 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The call will be an hour in length and include a question and answer session at the end. Call dial in no. is (712) 432-0075 Access Code: 403964#
I am really thankful that Dr. Brouse will be doing a tele-conference on the subject of SAD, because I was plagued with this many years before it became recognized and given a name. If you are looking for help with SAD tune in tomorrow night.
I am especially empathetic to people who have Parkinson's Disease since both my mom and her mother had it. Yes, the medications helped some of the symptomes, but caused other problems and didn't cure the disease. I gave my mom nautral supplements, which did help some, but Parkinson's is relentless.
Well, now there is Vivix, a natural high potency resveratrol supplement with ingredients that have been found in laboratory studies to slow or stop all four mechanisms of cellular aging. According to the renown anti-aging researhcr, Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard, this holds great promise in the prevention and treatment of age related diseases such as alzheimers, Parkinson's, neurological, cardiovascular, bone, and blood sugar conditions (like diabetes). Since Vivx became available a little over a year ago it appeares that some of these hopes and dreams are proving themselves to be true as the stories pour in!
In a recent telephone conference call several people with "incurable" health conditions were interviewed and I just received a written copy of one of them - A woman whose father has Parkinson's is showing some awesome improvement after taking Vivix. I am posting it here for you to read, but if you want to listen to the actual call or share it with folks then you can access the playback recording by dialing 712-432-8774 pin 53822# sharing code 2898# The call is about an hour in length and is excellent. There are also interviews of people with polio, raynaud's disease, and a strange eye condition - all are noticing improvement. We are definitely on to something!
Bobbi’s Dad Gets A New Lease on Life
Mark got a message on his voice mail on March 4 from one of our members, Bobbi. It said, “I think I have a little problem. I gave my parents 4 boxes of Vivix on Valentine’s Day. I just spoke to my dad, James, and he says there is only one small bottle left! He’s been drinking the Vivix out of the bottle. He says he takes sips. He says he would ‘sell the house’ to get more of it! He can’t believe how much better it makes him feel and his legs feel.”
When Mark called Bobbi back, she told him that her mom, Nedra, hadn’t used any of those 4 boxes of Vivix. James had used all of it himself. Nedra had decided that since her husband was doing so well with the Vivix, she would let him have all of it. (Note: That means James had used a 4 month supply of Vivix in 18 days.) Bobbi said, “My dad has a brain implant, sort of a pacemaker for Parkinson’s, and he’s had several strokes. Before this he couldn’t feel his legs when he got up from his chair. Now he says, ‘I can actually feel my legs.’
I think his memory is getting better, too. He says, ‘With all the stroke meds I take, this Vivix is the best.’ ”
Two weeks later Mark called Nedra on a Sunday afternoon. From the mobile phone out in their yard, she told Mark, “James is feeling so much better he’s out here in the yard picking up sticks and painting trellises for the garden! He hasn’t been out in the yard for 3 years. He could hardly get out of his chair before.” She also mentioned that James had been on a medication for years that caused his arms and legs to become discolored and look terrible. They would bruise and get pockets of blood that would then burst. She said
that his arms and legs are now clearing up.
In August Nedra told Mark: “Now James is taking the recommended one teaspoon a day.He is still going strong. Our grandson won a fish ‘fly-in’ trip and he wanted his grandpa to go with him.”“James was able to go on the fishing trip to Canada with his grandson.They said it was just awesome. James has had no repercussions from the trip. He has a new lease on life.”Bobbi says that her parents used to take her up to Canada to that same place to go fishing when she was a girl. They would never have been able to go up there again if it weren’t for Vivix. She said, “Five years ago I NEVER would have considered taking them up there. The place we go is 5 hours north of the Canadian border. We had to take a floatplane to get there. They were real troopers. They made a lot of great memories with the children and the grandparents.”
By the way, now that Nedra has started taking Vivix herself, she feels better and sleeps better, too.
Editor’s note: Thank you for sharing your story. We are so happy for you all!
Mark & Lisa Alan.
The formulation of Vivix was based on the research of Dr. David Sinclair which you can learn more
about in the in the following interview with Barbara Walters
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Turning on the news every morning and hearing the latest reports on the swine flu strikes me as incredible that the only recommendations given on how to prevent flu is hand washing, getting a flu vaccine, and staying away from crowds. The fact that we have an immune system designed to fight off the flu virus and other pathogens is never mentioned. While contemplating this over a cup of tea yesterday, lo and behold, I received an email by Dr. Steve Chaney which addresses this very issue - how to prevent flu by optimizing your immune system. Dr. Chaney is a professor at the University of North Carolina and I would like to share his letter with you:
Hi Susan,
Many of you have been saying to me: "All I hear about in the news is shots and drugs. Is there a holistic approach for strengthening my immune system?" My answer is yes! Here are my suggestions:
1) Start by eating a balanced diet composed of whole, unprocessed foods without a lot of fat and simple sugars. A great place to start designing a balanced diet that is perfect for your age, gender and activity level is
2) Get plenty of sleep. The experts recommend 8 hours of sleep a night, but a majority of Americans get far less than that.
3) Exercise on a regular basis. Both too little and too much exercise can weaken the immune system (You might have guessed that the problem for most of us is the "too little", not the "too much"). The experts recommend at least 30 minutes every day.
4) Maintain ideal body weight. Those excess pounds really zap our immune system.
5) Minimize your reliance on medications. Many common medications weaken the immune system (Just listen to the disclaimers in the TV commercials for examples).
But you must work with your physician on this. Once your physician knows that you are willing to do take personal responsibility for your diet and lifestyle, they will generally be willing to minimize the number of medications that they prescribe.
6) Focus on the positive. Studies show that optimists are healthier and life longer than pessimists. And the good news is that anyone can cultivate an attitude of optimism. For most of us it is a lifestyle choice - not something that we were born with.
7) Add a supplement program to assure that your immune system is functioning optimally. In the ideal world supplements wouldn't be necessary, but there are very few "saints" who do a great job in all 6 of the areas that I mentioned.
A well designed supplement program fills in the "gaps". We want to make sure that we are getting adequate:
- B vitamins and protein because our immune cells need to divide very rapidly when we have immune challenges.
- Antioxidants because our immune cells create lots of free radicals.
- Trace minerals, especially iron and zinc, because they are required by important enzymes of the immune system.
- Vitamin D because it is vitally important for a strong immune system and most of us are not getting enough.
- Probiotics (healthy bacteria) because "bad" bacteria and yeast in our intestines can weaken the immune
- Omega-3 fatty acids to modulate the immune system once it has taken care of the invading bacteria or viruses.We don't need megadoses. We just need enough.
One final thought: A holistic approach to strengthening our immune system is not an "either - or" proposition.
The flu shot is 66% effective in preventing the flu for people with a strong immune system and only 33% effective in preventing the flu for people with a weak immune system.
To your health!
Dr. Stephen Chaney, PhD
Fayetteville Rd. #120-302 Durham, NC 27713 P.S. My personal recommendation for the supplement component of your holistic approach to a strong immune system is the Vitalizer Wellness Program (Vitalizer, Cinch and Nutriferon) with Defend and Resist Complex in your medicine cabinet for when you first sense that you are "catching" something.