Thursday, November 26, 2009

More on SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder

Here are some notes on last Monday's tele-clinic on SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder:
  1. SAD normally begins in the Fall when the days become shorter and it persists until Spring.
  2. People with SAD tend to be low in Vit. D.
  3. Melatonin levels tend to be higher during the dark winter months - avoid taking melotonin supplements during this time.
  4. We need the UVB rays to make Vit. D and don't get this by using tanning beds.
  5. In the northern climates we cannot make vit D from the sunlight between Oct. and April.
Help for people with SAD - What you can do to feel better:
  1. Take Vit D3 - Have your levels checked and supplement til your levels are in a healthy range, at least 50 units, preferably 75 and above.
  2. Get a full spectrum light and use it for several hours a day
  3. Keep up a regular routine of work and activities(resisting the urge to oversleep and veg. out) and get enough exersize.
  4. Go to sleep and get up in the morning at the same time every day.
  5. Resist the urge to overdo the sweets and carbs.
  6. Get more protein - Your body needs it to make seratonin and melatonin
If you can get away to a sunny climate like Key West, Arizona, or the Bahamas, go for it!

To read an article I wrote on free and inexpensive things to do in Key West, Fla. go to;

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